Email templates

Confirming receipt

Confirming receipt reassures candidates that their application has actually arrived at your company. It is important for applicants to have this information, particularly if there is an application deadline. For a reputable company, this communication is just as important as an acceptance or rejection letter.

You can easily automate confirmation emails using applicant tracking systems. Make sure that you are polite to your applicants and pack important information in your email. A confirmation of receipt is all part of the congenial tone that every company should adopt.

Three tips for a confirmation of receipt

  1. Say thank you: Putting together an application takes time and effort, so thank your candidates for their interest and the work they have put in.
  2. Add a note about timings: Tell your applicants when they’ll be hearing from you again and roughly how much time you’ll need to sift through their documents.
  3. Tell it straight: Tell your applicants like it is. If you are expecting it to take longer to sift through applications, tell your candidates this and ask for their understanding.

Template for confirming receipt

Dear [first name, last name],

Thank you very much for your interest in our company and for taking the initiative to apply for the role of [job title].

Your documents have arrived safely with us and we will take a look at them as soon as we can.

Once we have assessed your profile and wish to consider you for the next stage in our selection process, you will be invited to an interview.

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have, either about the vacancy or about our recruitment process. Please contact [name of contact], either by emailing [email address of contact] or by calling [phone number of contact].

[Your name]
